On Thu, 2004-12-30 at 20:52 -0500, Joshua Strzalko wrote:
Is there anyway to remove CUPS and NFS on the system, I’d like to stop these services, close the ports, and uninstall the software as I don’t use NFS for anything on my system, and for sure don’t use printing on the server.
Joshua Strzalko
President, Eleet Technologies, Inc.
Office: 407.977.2857
Mobile: 407.923.6926
Fax: 321.244.9435
rpm -e nfs-utils redhat-config-nfs cups cups-devel
(you may get dependancy issues ... if so, just turning them off is the best bet)
here is how to turn them off:
chkconfig --level 0123456 nfs off chkconfig --level 0123456 nfslock off chkconfig --level 0123456 portmap off
chkconfig --level 0123456 cups off