On Tue, 2005-08-16 at 17:05 -0500, Mike McCarty wrote:
I am doing contract work, and was requested to install FC2 on my machine (last October). Since doing that, I have tentatively concluded that the Fedora Core Project is more or less beta test, and not really suitable for development work. Please anyone correct me if I am wrong.
This is in fact incorrect. CentOS is a better choice for remote servers or machines that you don't want to upgrade every year or so, but that doesn't make Fedora "beta" quality. It just has a more experimental nature and a shorter life cycle.
So I am considering a hop to a more stable environment. Since CentOS is akin to The Product Produced By A Major Vendor Of Linux Software Who Shall Remain Nameless, I was wondering if the transition might be easier to CentOs rather than, say Debian. (Makes me feel like I'm reading a Harry Potter novel about He Who Shall Not Be Named.)
Yes. CentOS is very Fedoraesque. It even uses yum.
Is there any reasonable hope of an "upgrade" from FC2 to CentOS 4.1 or should/must I backup, install, and restore?
A clean install is recommended, although an upgrade may be possible.