Here, unpolished, is a script I used to use to determine what changes I had made to an rpm-based system. It requires a least light editing (line 45, 49, and 52 at a minimum) to run on CentOS; probably won't hurt anything.
#! /bin/bash # Charles Polisher 2003-10-05
# # Summarize the key facts about the currently installed packages # in a form useful for building a host with the same complement # of packages. Creates 3 lists: # - the original install package list, # - packages that have been (upgraded/downgraded/added) # but are from the same distributor # - packages that have been added from another distribution # or from free-standing rpm's
# TODO: identify packages built from tarballs, and either # - installed a new program not available in the distro, or # avail from the distro but not sourced from it. # - installed a program that was available from the distro, # but was (upgraded/downgraded/patched/built-from-source) # nonetheless. # Maybe build a list of all libraries / executables in # /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /usr/local/bin, # /lib, /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib, (etc?), then run through # rpm's official list (rpm -qal) using it to delete from # the first list. Anything remaining is unaccounted for by # the rpmdb, and may represent an "outboard" package. # Note that the file versions/dates will need to be checked, # and the possibility of multiple versions of the same # program should be handled.
# DISTRO value ( matches key used in "DISTRIBUTION" field of RPMs) export DISTRO=SuSE
# Package installed later than this are designated as upgrades, # not part of the original installation. Format: YYYY-MM-DD export INSTALL_FINAL="2002-09-03"
# Reports directory, omit trailing / export OUTDIR=/home/chas/ADMIN/LOGS/rpm
export DATE=/bin/date export GREP=/usr/bin/egrep export SORT=/usr/bin/sort export RPM=/bin/rpm export TEE=/usr/bin/tee export AWK=/usr/bin/awk export CAT=/bin/cat export RM=/bin/rm
# --------- no changes below this line -------------------
export L_DATE=`${DATE} +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M` export EVENT=`date +%s --date="${INSTALL_FINAL}"` export TMPFILE=`mktemp /tmp/awkscript.XXXXXX`
# # RPM formatted output fields are in this order: # # Installtime Cookie Name Epoch Ver Fstate Packager Distribution # ------------ -------------- ---- ------ --- ------ --------- ------------ # 1054517704 rags.suse 1018 rpm none) 3.0 0 SuSE Linux 8 # ------------ -------------- ---- ------ --- ------ --------- ------------ # Field 1 Field 3 F 5 F7 F9 F11 Field 13 Field 15 # export FORMAT='%-30{INSTALLTIME} %-30{COOKIE} %-30{NAME} %-5{EPOCH} %-30{VERSION} %-30{FILESTATES} %-30{PACKAGER} %-30{DISTRIBUTION}\n'
cat << "EOS" > ${TMPFILE} BEGIN { FIELDWIDTHS="30 1 30 1 30 1 5 1 30 1 30 1 30 1 30"; } { # FIXME: SuSE -> ${DISTRO} a = match($15, /SuSE /) == 0 ? 0 : 1 if ( a != filter ) { printf("name: %-20s version: %-10s epoch: %-8s installed: %s packager: %-20s distro: %-15s\n", \ substr( $5,1,20), \ substr( $9,1,10), \ substr( $7,1, 6), \ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",$1), \ substr($13,1,20), \ substr($15,1,15) \ ); } } EOS
${RPM} -qa --queryformat "${FORMAT}" \ | ${AWK} -f ${TMPFILE} filter=0 \ | ${SORT} \
${RPM} -qa --queryformat "${FORMAT}" \ | ${AWK} -f ${TMPFILE} filter=1 \ | ${SORT} \
cat << "EOS" > ${TMPFILE} BEGIN { FIELDWIDTHS="30 1 30 1 30 1 5 1 30 1 30 1 30 1 30"; print "Packages installed after " eventdate ":" ; } { if ( ( $1 > eventdate ) && ( match($15, /SuSE /) > 0 ) ) { printf("name: %-20s version: %-10s epoch: %-8s installed: %s packager: %-20s distro: %-15s\n", \ substr( $5,1,20), \ substr( $9,1,10), \ substr( $7,1, 6), \ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",$1), \ substr($13,1,20), \ substr($15,1,15) \ ); } } EOS
${RPM} -qa --queryformat "${FORMAT}" \ | ${AWK} -f ${TMPFILE} eventdate=${EVENT} \ | ${SORT} \