On 3/27/2008, "Johnny Hughes" johnny@centos.org wrote:
that time the monitor stayed off.. had to ssh in to resolve it..That may indicate that someting in the sysinit shuts off the monitor at the start of a script, then turns it back on at the end..
Do these options exist in /boot/grub/grub.conf on the "Kernel" line:
quiet rhgb
If so, please remove them if you do not want X on the server. These 2 things try (during boot up) to take away the standard startup screen and replace it with a Blue background and picture. This uses X, which could cause something if it has been removed and the options are still listed.
Removing those options (if they are there) should fix that issue.
I'll look into it, thanks.
We do not seem to have php-mssql for CentOS extras as it requires freetds and we were concerned about potential patent issues with freetds. However, it seems Fedora is including freetds now in version 8 and version 9, so I will research this freetds issue again and if we think we can safely build and distribute freetds I will get it into our extras repo soon. If not, you should be able to easily build it ... but I think we will add it, so not to worry.
Good to hear :) I know I can easily build it, I supplied contrib rpms of freetds for Trustix a while back, which got adopted into official.. I just asked because I really like getting updates without having to rebuild php/freetds each time..
Also ... some rpms do require certain things to be available, and the binaries are LINKED against the shared libraries. So, one can not just delete (for example) all xorg-x11 RPMS just because you don't want X. If you did use "rpm -e" (with a --force or --nodeps) then it should be OK since if a library is necessary, RPM will complain and not do the removal unless overridden.
Yes, I am well aware of the dependency thing.. I used to maintain a large selection of packages in TSL contrib.. I did rpm -e libgnomesomething and added on packages until it stopped complaining about deps.. As far as X11 goes, I deselected that during install, don't remember having to remove any of those rpms by hand..
-- Cheers, Morten :wq