On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 1:27 PM, MHR mhullrich@gmail.com wrote:
I have been having some strange results trying to burn >CDs under CentOS. I don't think they are hardware related >because I have had some success, in fact most of this usually works.
I use k3b for most of my CD and DVD writing - it seems to work fairly well (well, except for wrecking my installation a few
I do have an issue with k3b (CentOS 5.2, 32 bit), but nothing grave. I cannot erase CD-RW media with k3b, most or all of the time. I ran into that last night. Went to M$ Windows and I was able to erase the 2 CD-RW media, without any problem. Then, I tried to burn the files (which are M$ Windows files) to the CD-RW media. No go and I wasted about 20-30 minutes, while it was in a loop or stalled on M$ Windows. Then, I went back to CentOS and I was able to burn the files, without any problems. :-) Not sure what is causing the issues. Nothing grave, such as borked your box recently.