On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:42 AM, John R. Dennison jrd@gerdesas.com wrote:
On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:33:59AM -0800, Mark wrote:
Let's talk about CentOS on this list, shall we?
Presumably the OP is running firefox on CentOS. So... how it this not about CentOS?
If that's true, why does he (always) cross-post every single question to the Ubuntu users group (and I hear others, but I don't belong to them)?
This is a fellow who routinely asks extremely general questions that so strongly resemble first-year student homework questions that I, and others, have taken the path of not helping him. I'm not here to do anyone's homework for them.
Also, it has been my experience in the last four years of being on this list that most people who are genuinely interested in how something works *on CentOS* include such minimally relevant information as which CentOS they are running and why the question belongs here rather than in, say, a Firefox discussion group.
Feel free to poke around in the archives and see if you can find even one CentOS query from S. Mathias.