'yum search R' returns an impossibly-long list. So I tried 'yum search R.x86_64' and 'yum search R-2.3.0' and few others to no avail. (Google revealed that R package does exist in kbsingh repository.) However, 'yum install R' did offer to install the correct package.
Can someone enlighten me as to why did the searches failed or generated a hugh list of alternatives, while the install hit right on the mark?
I believe it's because 'yum search' is not case sensitive and so will return most things with 'r' in them or the description of them. This question is probably best suited for the yum mailing list instead, but I'm fairly sure that's the cause. It would be akin to searching for the letter 'a' in this email, when you really mean the word 'a'.