Robin Mordasiewicz wrote:
What does one do when the indexes for a mailbox gets hosed? I know of one person who used cyrus and when it got hosed, he came running to me to get him a mail system up and running pronto.
You reconstruct them. There's command that does that, you know. I'd suggest reading man reconstruct.
I'd like to point out here that you will not ever have this type of problem with courier. I really like cyrus, but I babysit cyrus all the time.
I would also like to point out that you had either a bad config or lack of understanding about any system. We've been over this issue of which imap and how and where - on this list, previously. I recommend you go back and read those posts.
And Feizhou, who seems to be towing your line, has already admitted he has no idea about Cyrus and has never used it.
And anyway, i dont understand the logic behind 'Courier is easier than a yum install cyrusimapd'. Specially since Courier is neither in the distro, nor provided by any stable maintained repository for EL4. So you are pretty much on your own 'aka LFS style'. Maybe on a different distro the story would be different - but on CentOS, I dont think so.
- K