On Tue, November 7, 2017 6:10 pm, John R Pierce wrote:
On 11/7/2017 3:47 PM, H wrote:
I think you were right. I moved the computer a little bit closer and no longer have the problem. It is a Bluetooth mouse, I did not know that they were that sensitive to the distance...
Bluetooth in absence of other 2.4Ghz interference (cough, wifi) can work reasonably well at like 20-30 feet.   if there's active nearby wifi on 2.4Ghz, forget it, much closer.
If there is any other sort of 2.4 GHz device, then it will be even worse. Such devices that poison this unlicensed band can be:
1. microwave oven 2. 2.4 GHz "cordless" phone (the one that is using ground line, and had cordless hand unit talking with base station on 2.4 GHz band) 3. other 2.4 GHz devices (like music center with wireless links) may be less nasty than the above two, they pretty much will be close to WiFi network units
You also may have neighbor behind the wall with the stuff like above, or even worse: your place maybe in the path of the beam between two places using 2.4 GHz connection channel (the last is less likely, as they usually like not to have any obstructions along the beam, but you may still be hit by the periphery of their beam).
Incidentally, there are higher power bluetooth USB adapters that are capable to provide about 50 feet range coverage...
-- john r pierce, recycling bits in santa cruz
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