On 11/01/2017 10:28 AM, m.roth@5-cent.us wrote:
Nux! wrote:
ksdevice specifies which NIC to be used during the network install.
The new naming conventions indeed make this more complicated than it needs to be. To go back to the old naming scheme (eth0, eth1 ...) just add this to boot parameters (kernel cmdline): biosdevname=0 net.ifnames=0
Yes! Actually, the other admin I work with and I were just bitching about that a few minutes ago. I have no idea who thought the new enpxsyz was a "good idea", but for 99% of us, I look at the back of a system, and I want to know which one. the enxyz is significantly less than useful.
Now, if only there were some tool, like there used to be HERD, to figure out on my supermicro which DIMM is complaining.... You'd think IMPI would do it, but nooooo....
It's funny you should mention that vendor because we use only SuperMicro servers here. The really good thing about that is that our boxes, the interfaces are eno1 & eno2 and not the ridiculous enp2s0abcdefhwtf convention on VMs and such. It was easy to remember, even if counter-intuitive since if you're like most people who've been in this business long enough, interfaces (and arrays) always start with 0. To me, eno1 is the second interface and I have to actually pause to rethink things because of that.