There are a whole slew of packages in the Beta. On my system they are on the KDE menus and the binaries can be found in /opt/openoffice.org1.9.113/program/ - this needs to be on your path.
I can see all the programs in /opt/openoffice.org1.9.122/program/ but I can't figure out how to get them onto my panel or anywhere in the menus. It would be ncie to be able to access them from the panel.
When I right click on the panel, it gives me the option to "Add", and then I can select applications from drop down menus, but they're all the same applications available in the Applications drop down on the far left hand side of the panel.
How do I get my OpenOffice Beta available by clicking an icon? I'm using KDE.
And how to I associate .ods files with OpenOffice Beta? When I right click on them, I can select to "Open With..." and search in the directory, but I can't figure out which file is an executable program. They aren't labelled "calc" and "write" or anything like that.
My $0.02 - wait until somebody comes out with a set of CentOS4 upgrade packages.
Well, yes, I could do that. Except I'm impatient and demanding. And somewhat foolhardy... or perhaps just foolish. After all, I did install an entire operating system without really knowing what I was doing.