On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 8:31 AM, Rainer Traut tr.ml@gmx.de wrote:
Am 04.03.2011 13:50, schrieb Nico Kadel-Garcia:
Re-install, not upgrade. Components with the same name compiled for different systems will occur, and may wind up presenting fascinating incompatibilities.
Can you elaborate? RHEL5's and C5's packages were known to be interchangeable. Without having tried it RHEL6/SL6 this is FUD.
I've written tools to turn an RHEL 5 box to CentOS 5, and back. It's a pain and I don't recommend it.
For how many boxes do you need to do this? I did this with some boxes and never run into issues.
I don't need to, anymore. I did it as a proof of concept for a few hosts of different architecute, offering to do it for a Beowulf cluster of roughly 100 hosts while we were arguing about licensing costs with upper management. This was a ways back, but the integration of yum for RHEL 4 was a particular adventure.