On Monday 12 December 2016 11:01:52 Nicolas Kovacs wrote: (first thing I'm going to do it buy a new keyboard, or employ a proof reader. Sorry for all the errors folks)
First thing I would do is check the temperature. In my experience, excessive heat is the main reason for unexpected shutdown operations.
I have had this in the past where either the CPU or PSU fan had died. I'll check both of these next time I'm on site, but I believe the PSU is fairly new anyway.
I'm using the nifty Glances utility (available in EPEL) to do basic monitoring. If your server overheats, you'll gradually see your temperature indicator turn from green to purple and then to red. I know there are other utilities, but this is good for checking this sort of stuff in real-time.
I installed Glance and had a look, but the sensors didn't show, even when I pressed 'S' as per the help page.
Also, as this is a headless server, can anyone suggest a non-GUI monitor app?