Karanbir Singh wrote:
Tsai Li Ming wrote:
Also, we are going to start preparing ours to work with RHEL 5.4 when it is out in the coming months. Can the community wait till our 5.4 compatible version is ready. This may coincide with the Centos 5.4 release.
The last time we had this conversation there was an issue with 'your srpms' are really not the 'red hat' srpms. Has this situation changed ?
Our srpms[1] are given to Red Hat and thus are being rebuild by them. EPEL srpms are not given because RH takes them directly from their own epel builds.
Till date, RH has not released the srpms. Community request is certainly helpful here.
If you download the srpm from rhn and compare against ours, it is not the same. The md5sum will not be the same because the srpms are generated by their build system using ours. Each srpm has a redhat buildhost, signed by them, etc. However, the content is the same.
If it's a centos policy to strictly use rh srpms, then we would be better off asking RH to release them to the community. Kusu/PCM is GPL v2.
-Liming [1] PCM RHHPC edition srpms, since PCM has various editions.