On Tue, 2007-09-11 at 23:38 -0600, Ashley M. Kirchner wrote:
Quoting umair shakil umairshakeel@gmail.com:
Cron Entry is : */5 * * * * /opt/bin/ftp.sh 2> /tmp/error_log
"/opt/bin/ftp.sh: line 3: ftp: command not found"
Your shell script doesn't know where 'ftp' lives. Best to put the full path into place, '/usr/bin/ftp'
As an (easier to maintain?) option, modify your shell script to source the appropriate /etc/bashrc and/or /etc/profile. Keep in mind the (non-)interactive nature of these two. "man bash" for more details.
This will mean that when you re-configure path information, or want to test a new program before trashing the old one, changes will be reduced and can be more easily isolated. This is especially true if the .bashrc/profile includes some tests for a user ID, like user test.
HTH -- Bill