William L. Maltby wrote:
On Tue, 2006-12-12 at 19:43 +0100, Andreas Micklei wrote:
Am Dienstag, 12. Dezember 2006 18:56 schrieb Dustin Krysak:
For example, if i do run it with the & at the end it does what I want, yet obviously (to my knowledge) you can't get back to the subshell
Type in "fg" which means foreground. Also works for jobs suspended with "Ctrl-Z". "bg" can be used to put jobs suspended with "Ctrl-Z" into the background (as if run with &).
Googling for "job control" could help. I would also suggest reading a UNIX/Linux Shell Tutorial. It's worth learning a few helpful commands to get your everyday shell work done quicker.
Googling? Do man bash and read up on job control.
Do you really suggest that to a beginner with no prior knowledge of job control? The bash manpage contains way to much detail information that you really don't want to know when playing around with fg and bg for the first time. It's a great reference when you already know the basics and want to learn about the details, but heavy reading for a beginner.
regards, Andreas Micklei