Kevin Kempter wrote:
Hi All;
I have a laptop running the "workstation" version of Linux from RedHat. I've enabled the EPEL and rpmfusion repos plus I'm subscribed to the following channels: * Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop (v. 5 for 64-bit x86_64) * Red Hat Network Tools for RHEL Client (v.5 64-bit x86_64) * RHEL Desktop Supplementary (v. 5 for 64-bit x86_64) * RHEL Desktop Workstation FasTrack (v. 5 for 64-bit x86_64) * RHEL Desktop Workstation (v. 5 for 64-bit x86_64) * RHEL Desktop FasTrack (v. 5 for 64-bit x86_64)
I have openioffice version 3.1.1
I also have 2 employees running fully patched 5.4 CentOS. They also have the EPEL and rpmfusion repos enabled as well as the centos plus repo. They however have openoffice version 2.3.0
I *thought* that CentOS was basically the equivelant of RHEL. did we do something wrong? or is RHEL (at least in the case of openoffice) shipping a newer release than CentOS?
RHEL is currently at 5.5 whereas CentOS is still at 5.4, with 5.5 pending. The update to OpenOffice 3.3.1 was part of the 5.5 update that will be coming to CentOS shortly.
Hope that helps.