[CW] Does anyone here know where on the install disc the initrd-2.6.18-92.1.22.el5.img is located? Is it in an rpm? which one?
the one in /boot/... it's generated at install time by the anaconda installer, from the kernel-2.6.18-92.1.22.el5.$arch.rpm and mkinitrd
So you will need the re-run a mkinitrd after the %post install with the right argument... and if you can make anaconda recognize your hardware...
[CW] Has anyone got an example ks.cfg file that I can work from please? Maybe one for a nic driver?
Wouldn't it be faster to move to 5.3 (if your cdrom is supported?).
[CW] The cd-rom is still not supported in 5.3.
Thanks for the response Tru
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