--On Tuesday, July 19, 2011 08:45:54 PM -0700 cooleyr@gmail.com wrote:
On Jul 19, 2011 6:48 PM, "Jay Leafey" jay.leafey@mindless.com wrote:
I usually use SSH keys in conjunction with ClusterSSH
In the same vein, I instead recomend pdsh.
Another variant that has been around a long time is pconsole. http://freshmeat.net/projects/pconsole
This is a tool for executing the same command on many similar machines at once, and doesn't require anything to be on the target machines other than ssh. You get one master xterm, a bunch of slave xterms, and you can either type in the master to affect all nodes or selectively type in the slaves.
It should be considered as complementing the automated config management tools like cfengine et al, not as a replacement for them (they're doing different jobs). pconsole is more intended for concurrent ad-hoc changes.
The only thing to keep in mind with pconsole is screen real-estate. You can have your slave xterms small (like 40x4), but if you have more nodes than you can get slave xterms on your screen at one time, it's less effective.