Here are my personal notes regarding these special perms :
 Octal perm : 4000 (chmod +s )  SUID Other users execute this file as owner of file
 Octal perm: 2000  (chmod +g )  GUID Other users execute this as group of the file/dir  (It can be applyied to directories )
 Ocatl perm: 1000    Sticky bit (Ensuring that users cannot delete other users files in a directory)

SUID : chmod u+s file
GUID: chmod u+g dir
Sticky bit: chmod u+f file/dir

 Best regards,

Silviu Hutanu

Nepatec Soft SRL  -  it consulting & software
N. Titulescu 4
500010 Brasov, Romania
tel/fax: +40 (0)368 003 100

On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 3:03 PM, Agnello George <> wrote:
i had a small query , whant is the difference between stickybit SUID and SGID  , is there any proper site where i can get a clear understanding .

Agnello D'souza

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