On 11/20/2010 10:24 AM, Dave Cross wrote:
Apologies for not replying sooner. This mailing list goes into a "read when you're not too busy" folder :-/
On 18 November 2010 17:08, Todd Carytodd@aristesoftware.com wrote:
On 11/12/2010 10:15 AM, Dave Cross wrote:
It all depends very much on how the web server is configured. Do you know if the web server is configured to run CGI programs? Do you have access to the Apache configuration files? (Actually, is the server running Apache?)
What value have you given the "action" attribute on the form element? You say that the CGI program is in the cgi-bin directory - was that directory there before, or did you create it yourself? Are there any other cgi-bin directories in the web area on the server?
<<< Do you know if the web server is configured to run CGI programs?>>> The server is in my office running Centos 4, however I am not sure how to check to see if it is configured to run CGI.
By "web server", I meant the Apache software, not the operating system.
To see if your web server is configured to run CGI, you need to look in your Apache configuration file (/etc/httpd/httpd.conf) and look for lines that reference "cgi". You might well find lines like this scattered through the file:
LoadModule cgi_module modules/mod_cgi.so
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/cgi-bin/"
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
<<< Do you have access to the Apache configuration files? (Actually, is the server running Apache?)>>> Yes, it is running Apache and I have complete access.
That's good. The situation isn't impodsible then :-)
<<< What value have you given the "action" attribute on the form element?
<form action="http://www.toddcary.com/srjc_CIS50_11B/lesson_6/cgi-bin/cgiecho/template.txt" method="post">
The template.txt file is at http://www.toddcary.com/srjc_CIS50_11B/lesson_6/template.txt
The cgi is at http://www.toddcary.com/srjc_CIS50_11B/lesson_6/cgi-bin/cgiecho
This puzzles me. The action on a form attribute needs to point to an executable file (or something that the web server can resolved to an executable of some kind). Setting it to the path to a text file is never going to work.
This is the error: The requested URL /srjc_CIS50_11B/lesson_6/cgi-bin/cgiecho/template.txt was not found on this server
Ok, that means that your web server isn't mapping URLs to the filesystem in the way that you think. If you put a test file in srjc_CIS50_11B/lesson_6, can you see it in a browser?
<<< You say that the CGI program is in the cgi-bin directory - was that directory there before, or did you create it yourself?>>> I created the directory as part of the project.
Ok, you can't do that. Just creating a directory called cgi-bin doesn't automatically create a CGI directory. The web server needs to be configured correctly to recognise that it's a CGI directory.
<<< Are there any other cgi-bin directories in the web area on the server? No other cgi-bin directories in the Web area.
Which perhaps indicates that the web server isn't expected to be used for CGI programs. Who configured the server for you? Can you go to them for help configuring the server to support CGI?
The standard Centos 5 Apache configuration puts the web root at /var/www/html and the cgi-bin at /var/www/cgi-bin. If your server isn't configured like that then it's hard to be much help without seeing far more detail about the configuration.
Rather than posting a complete beginners course to CGI to the mailing list, can I point you to a servers of tutorials that I wrote several years ago.
http://mag-sol.com/articles/cgi1.html http://mag-sol.com/articles/cgi2.html http://mag-sol.com/articles/cgi3.html
Let me know if I can be any more help.
Dave -
The docs say it has to be a text file: