--NoDisclaim-- Karanbir Singh wrote:
Can we not top post ? I really hate posting when the content is just going around and around in circles.
Anyway, just so that everyone knows - this is a known issue. Expect a fix in U7 CentOS-3, or move to CentOS-4.
what does U7 means here ?
There is specific policy in place that prevents Uppercase logins from being created.
Sorry about my posting style.
I have fixed my problem by hacking shadow-4.0.3 so it now suits my needs. :-) Its not pretty but now it works, according to my own policy :-)
we have never had any problems with capital usernames, not even when we mail enabled the systems years ago.
best regards
Claus Derlien
Frie Funktionærer - faglig organisation og tværfaglig a-kasse - www.f-f.dk
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