On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 8:49 AM, Rajagopal Swaminathan raju.rajsand@gmail.com wrote:
On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 7:14 PM, Les Mikesell lesmikesell@gmail.com wrote:
Look at backuppc. It has a nice web interface to manage it and browse/restore backups and it compresses and pools identical content to hold much more online than you would expect. It is all controlled from the linux side and can work with windows either over smb or you can install cygwin rsync to save bandwidth.
BTW, how may persondays it would require on a Centos 5.7 box to master?
The second time you install it will take about 15 minutes using the EPEL package and having the archive disk mounted under /var/lib/BackupPC (or with a symlink there to the real mount) before the install so everything lands in the right place. The first time will depend on how much you already know about the underlying concepts and tools.
I have squandered away about 75% of available time (of about 2 person days). Amanda, IMHO, requires about 1 person week to deploy initially and about 2 person weeks to get sign-off: am I right about it? or am I inefficient (the "in about 15-minute" is a myth with Centos 5.x maybe truth with Centos 6 -- I dunno)?
It depends on how much you want to know about it, and whether you decide to install cygwin rsync on the windows targets or just use samba against the hidden admin shares (C$, etc.). For the initial setup with the EPEL package the only tricky part is adding the web password for the admin user and possibly others if you want logins restricted to seeing only certain hosts. See the comments in /etc/httpd/conf.d/BackupPC.conf about that.
The docs are at http://backuppc.sourceforge.net/faq/BackupPC.html but you should be able to do all necessary configuration from the web interface after the packaged install, and if you are adding several similar targets, just get the first one right and add the others with 'newhost=oldhost' from the 'edit hosts' link on the web page to copy the configs.
There is a External NTFS partition which will be carried away and the whole shop is powered off at about 2000hrs.
Backuppc uses hardlinks extensively so you'll want that to be ext3, not ntfs, and I'd highly recommend rotating a set of 2 or 3 different disks so you always have a good one offsite. I use a slighly odd raid-mirroring setup myself but it's fairly cumbersome to manage. In any case you need some sort of script to stop the backuppc service and unmount the drive before removing it, and the reverse when replacing, and backuppc has a nightly cleanup process that has to run, so you may have to adjust the timing for it.