Hi , all :

There is a problem on executing awk command to remote servers;

The shell test script is like this :

  1. #!/bin/sh

  2. _CMD="ssh root@localhost"

  3. cpu_num="$($_CMD awk '/processor/{count["proc"]++}; END{print count["proc"]}' /proc/cpuinfo)“

  4. echo $cpu_num

My root account can entry the server without the passwd.

But  I found no result on the screen .

Is there some error on that script ? By the way , I googled and found use the following method can run the right result .

  1. #!/bin/sh

  2. _CMD="ssh root@localhost"

  3. cpu_num="$($_CMD  << 'HERE'
  4. awk '/processor/{count["proc"]++}; END{print count["proc"]}' /proc/cpuinfo
  5. HERE

  6. )“

  7. echo $cpu_num