Timo, Its interesting, I am presently attending a conference in NYC and in
one of the tables I saw the redhat vendor.
My first question to them was " What do you think about centos",
they reply "You are using a distribution
without support and that is prompt to failure..." I don't think this
is an accurate statement is it? Anyway to
make the story short, they keep telling how bad centos is for our
datacenter and that I should consider
adopting redhat which is more "robust", offers "virtualization" and
nearly real-time support for its customers.
I didn't go the extra mile to ask for pricing but would appreciate
your input about what they said about centos.
CentOS == RedHat. CentOS has every bug that RedHat has. CentOS has every bug fix that RedHat has. When RedHat rolls out a new version (e.g. RHEL6.0) there is a lag of a few months rolling out the CentOS release of the same version; for bug fixes the lag is a few days.
So, the price of RedHat is money, the price for CentOS is patience. The product sold by RedHat is support, the product 'sold by' CentOS is self-support. The relative value of the two arises from your ability to support your systems.
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