On Wed, Dec 07, 2005 at 12:22:39PM +0800, Feizhou wrote:
Me neither. I have been running e-mail server for so long, that I really don't care about these "blackbox" solutions. They are more trouble than they are worth.
Except when they are well done. vpopmail, vmailmgr...don't exim also have something written for it to manage virtual mailboxes?
Exim itself does that.
And vpopmail is not a blackbox solution :)
Ah, i wondered what you meant.
I mean those "install this package/use this script" solutions that set everything up for you, configure, start services and so on.
No, I'm not. .forward/.qmail will provide instructions for the MTA. They don't do delivery, so they are not a "local delivery system".
Hmm...ok. dot-whatever != local delivery agent. I guess I should say it boils down to what qmail-local and its dot-qmail mechanism does compared with the pairing of sendmail's local mailer and its dot-forward mechanism and postfix's local (that is what its LDA is called) support of sendmail's dot-forward.
I didn't even remember qmail-local. From what I remember (obviously wrong) local delivered was done by maildrop.
I agree "nothing to do" was a little strong worded, since everything has to do with local delivery. That is, after all, what the whole e-mail system is about.
-_-. "intra-MTA routing" has nothing to do with local delivery...
Depend on the final routing target, which can be local delivery.
=D. Got me there. The only exception being qmail...once a message is queued, its routing has been set whereas you can still change that if it were postfix, sendmail and I guess exim.
Actually, exim gives you fine grain control over the whole process, which actually helps you to understand who it works behind the scenes (and sometimes makes configuration a hair-pulling experience).
I can't really say how the whole transport-routing process works for qmail. I tried to understand how it worked once, and gave up after about 20 minutes.
And I guess here I reach the limit of tolerance the other members have shown me on this issue, so I'll start replying off-list :)
- -- Rodrigo Barbosa rodrigob@suespammers.org "Quid quid Latine dictum sit, altum viditur" "Be excellent to each other ..." - Bill & Ted (Wyld Stallyns)