On Sat, Oct 5, 2013 at 3:04 PM, John R Pierce pierce@hogranch.com wrote:
I suspect you meant to say...
- Applets are on the way out, most of the action these days is on
server-side Java, and on client-side JavaSCRIPT, not browser java.
client side javascript programming is sometimes called AJAX. Note that JavaSCRIPT is not Java, it only looks vaguely similar
I'm fully aware that Java != Javascript. I was talking about the differences between client-side, desktop Java apps and browser-based applets.
There's plenty of desktop Java based apps including Jitsi (www.jitsi.org), Vuze P2P (vuze.com), Art of Illusion (Raytracer), Sweet Home 3D (CAD), muCommander (JWS-enabled NC clone), jEdit, the Netbeans IDE, FreeMind (mind mapper-productivity tool), Frinika (music workstation), JShot (taking screenshots and uploading them to social sites), PowerFolder (cloud storage/sync)
Or others like the burp LAN scanner or jHome home automation solution http://portswigger.net/burp/ http://www.eletronlivre.com.br/jhome/
JavaFX 2.0 and its open source release OpenJFX is client-side desktop Java, and unrelated to applets or browsers.