Our server at work is down. The video memory is out. Its an old IBM PC300PL, 6892-12U, running SCO.
If anyone happens to a stick of this type memory and would be willing to sell it, please let me know. Below are the requirements for the video memory:
The video memory interface is controlled by an S3 TRIO 3D graphics controller. The amount of SGRAM shipped with the video subsystem is 4MB in the PC 300PL computers, and 2MB in the PC 300GL computers. The video memory module used in the PC 300PL (Types 6862 and 6892) is 2 MB 512K X32, with 100MHz SGRAM. The video memory module used in the PC 300GL (Types 6275 and 6285) is 2 MB 256K X32, with 100MHz SGRAM. The PC 300GL (Types 6275 and 6285) can be upgraded from 2 MB SGRAM to 4 MB SGRAM with a 2 MB SGRAM SODIMM. The SODIMM can be plugged into the SODIMM socket on the system board.
SGRAM SODIMMs were damn rare 10 years ago. you're not going to find any today.
this is a server ? who -cares- about the video card, yank it out, and stick something else in its place, like a old ATI Rage card. google is telling me thats a pentium-II system, so it must be about 10 years old. that or pull the disks out and get them working on another computer.
oh, its onboard video, ok, not going to replace it.
hey, amazing the power of the google.