2011/3/11 fakessh @ fakessh@fakessh.eu:
hello centos list
I recompile the source rpm fedora core 14 on my centos 5.5. I wrote a post on my blog to explain how I did. goo.gl/p0sqF I also recompile the rpm via koji to epel 6 and the result is possitive goo.gl/OQwIX
package is on it safe
OK, I misinterpreted the title of this. But you don't need to do this!!!
If you look at the bind97 package from RHEL 5.6, available at http://mirrors.kernel.org/redhat/redhat/linux/enterprise/5Server/en/os/SRPMS..., you'll see that it already provides all of this as necessary in a format compatible and unlikely to overwrite updates from the upstream vendor..