Hi all,
I have been out of the linux / unix loop for a good three years now, and a lot has changed..
I have a windows 2003 server on my home office lan as my domain controller.
I would like to know if there is a good how-to that applies to Centos5 to achieve the following:
Joining the centos machine to the AD domain (I believe I have done this already)
Sharing files from it using the AD user object credentials (don't know how to do this yet, using system-config-samba-1.2.39, it does not show the domain users yet)
Allowing login to centos using ssh or NX client (got the NX client working for root user and a local tesuser) using the <DOMAIN><windowsusername> credentials
Correct configuration of the pam related files etc so that centos automatically creates and populates a user home directory for any first time logins
I found the following article:
http://www.nixadmins.net/modules.php?page=0%2C0 http://www.nixadmins.net/modules.php?page=0%2C0&name=News&file=article&sid= 14 &name=News&file=article&sid=14
But I am a bit wary of editing files that I don't fully understand yet.
I installed CENTOS5 with just about every option enabled, all the services, so they should all be there already, I just need to configure them without breaking anything.
Christopher J Butler
CJB Technology Consulting