Timothy Murphy wrote:
when I ran "sudo yum update" on my CentOS-7.2.1511 today, ddclient was updated to ddclient-3.8.3-1.el7.noarch (from 3.7.3), and ddclient.conf was moved to ddclient.conf.rpmsave .
When I move it back, "sudo systemctl restart ddclient" fails with the error (in "sudo journalctl -xe | grep ddclient") Apr 21 13:05:39 alfred.gayleard.eu.localdomain touch[8590]: /bin/touch: cannot touch ‘/var/cache/ddclient/ddclient.cache’: Permission denied
I see that when updating ddclient a new group ddclient was created. I've tried various methods, eg deleting ddclient.cache, re-installing ddclient, creating a new ddclient.cache owned by root.ddclient, etc, but without success. Running "sudo systemctl restart ddclient" either fails, or hangs.
Any advice gratefully received.
Is there a way to go back to the previous version of ddclient? when I try "sudo yum downgrade ddclient-3.7.3" I'm told "No package ddclient-3.7.3 available"
I've managed to return to the previous version, by going to http://fr2.rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=ddclient downloading ddclient-3.7.3-1.el5.rf.noarch.rpm , and running sudo yum downgrade ~/ddclient-3.7.3-2.el7.rf.noarch.rpm