We transfer files from a VAN provider at 15 minute intervals using rsync over ssh. The setup is somewhat complicated in that the VAN will not permit direct rsync access and so we establish the link via sshfs and then mount remote location as local.
My question is, given the above conditions and the following rsync command:
/usr/bin/rsync --chmod=o+r --chmod=g+w --itemize-changes --remove-sent-files --times /var/spool/imanet/pick_up/* /var/spool/imanet/drop_off
Under what circumstances would a file containing data at the remote end (/var/spool/imanet/pick_up/) arrive at our end (/var/spool/imanet/drop_off) as an empty file? No transmission errors were logged and multiple files were transferred during the same session. All but one arrived with their contents intact.