LogWatch reports items like:
Connection attempts using mod_proxy: -> 1 Time(s) -> 2 Time(s)
Requests with error response codes 403 Forbidden 1 Time(s) 2 Time(s) 404 Not Found //jmx-console/HtmlAdaptor: 1 Time(s) /VINT_1984_THINK_DIFFERENT: 1 Time(s) /mobo.png: 1 Time(s) /player.swf: 1 Time(s) /robots.txt: 4 Time(s)
Now, I know mod_proxy is turned off by default, but is there a way to "play games" with those that attempt a proxy connection? Like a ReWrite rule or some sort?
For the 404's, Obviously these don't exist, but robots.txt so I am not sure why that has a 404.
What are 406 errors? Some Googling say they are due to mod_security issues and that an .htaccess fix can turn it off. But I don't understand the issue and the solution to be honest.
What am I missing?