On 21/06/06, William L. Maltby BillsCentOS@triad.rr.com wrote:
You might want to go have a look back though the archives for the cause of these problems.
This will give you a list of duplicated packages...
# rpm -qa --qf "%{NAME}.%{arch}\n" | sort | uniq -d
Thanks Will! Why is it so easy to recall reading all that once someone points you to it but I'm a total blank about it (sometimes) before being "reoriented". OTOH, I remember with amazing clarity most authored by myself! :-)
Good question. I probably remembered that thread because I suffered the problem and contributed a little (even though it was just to point out the previous thread). :)
I suppose we skim threads and only really notice those that impact us directly. I know I rarely read threads on X config for example, so if I ever encounter X problems I'll be semi-clueless and will no doubt ask questions that've been covered before.