On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 2:12 PM, Indunil Jayasooriya indunil75@gmail.com wrote:
When no MTA is installed, How to send an email with a cronjob?
Install postfix and configure to accept messages from 'localhost' only.
I guess you have a 'real' email id in your setup.
15 11 * * * root /root/scripts/backup.sh
Can I send this email via SMTP server?
Some global service providers may accept email from the postfix MTA in your server.
Alternately, you can configure postfix to relay the message via a 'smart_host' (preferred method). It will require you to provide a valid email address + plus password for your postfix (client) to do authenticate itself and send the outgoing message.
There is ample documentation on the 'Net to accomplish this.
-- Arun Khan