"based on the same x86_64 technology that AMD introduced with their Opterons."
Not on planet earth I'm afraid....
Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:
On Tue, 3 May 2005 at 9:25am, Peter Farrow wrote
Its not a 64bit CPU though, it just has large address space support.
It really doesn't need a 64 bit kernel as it isn't a 64bit CPU, in effect unless your stacking it full of RAM and need the large mem support it will probably run slower on a 64bit install.
- Please don't top post, and please trim your posts to just the bits
relevant to your response.
- The Xeons in the Dell Poweredge 1850 are indeed 64bit CPUs, based on
the same x86_64 technology that AMD introduced with their Opterons.