On 22/12/2019 14:17, Philippe Piot wrote:
All, I need to run some legacy Windows software (32 bits) under my Linux box. I have installed wine from the source the 64 bits works fine but not the 32 bits.
Epel8 provides wine, like for 7 but *not* to run 32bits.
Pablo Greco (CentOS armhfp maintainer) provides some compatible builds (and following upstream epel, modified to be built for i686) on his personal space (unsigned packages !) here : https://people.centos.org/pgreco/wine32.el8/
Worth knowing that he also shares .spec here : https://github.com/psgreco/wine
Just when writing this mail, I realize that while .spec is at correct 4.0.3 (so like Epel) the built packages are still at 4.0.2, so I guess he'll take care of that soon :)