Hello Patrick,
On Tue, 15 Dec 2015 08:10:07 +0100 Patrick Bervoets patrick.bervoets@psc-elsene.be wrote:
Op 14-12-15 om 23:54 schreef Scott Robbins:
On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 09:43:54PM +0100, Patrick Bervoets wrote:
I need the ability to make signed PDFs in LibreOffice, so I tried LO 5 and LO 4.4 rpms from LO.org but they are useless (menu and toolbar are black). Anyone been able to use a higher version of LO?
Yes, I easily installed libreoffice-5.x on my CentOS-6x box. I think all I did was download the tarball, go in the rpm directory and run rpm -ivh *rpm. This seems useful.
That's what I did :-) Only I used yum, but that wouldn't make a difference, would it?
I don't think this list accepts screenshots, so I'll try to describe. The menu is a black rectangle, if you click somewhere you see the dropdown which is black with 1 or 2 menu-items in white. Toolbar is black with some buttons visible (some of them disappearing when moused-over). Dialog boxes have black buttons etc. All in all rather difficult to use.
Do you run gnome? Maybe then this is a KDE thing.
Maybe it's a desktop theme issue, did you try another one? IIRC there's a settings in LO to follow the desktop theme or not (or something approaching), that's something to check too.