2009/4/12 Gilbert Sebenste sebenste@weather.admin.niu.edu
Hello all,
Several days ago, I noticed Firefox 3.0.8 was released for i386, but I haven't seen it on any of the mirrors. I know it can take a few days for mirrors to sync, but I think it's been 5 days now. Anyone see this package out there yet?
3 days ago an update to Firefox 3.0.7 on CentOS was announced...
That version is showing up on the mirrors...
Available Packages firefox.i386 3.0.5-1.el5.centos base firefox.i386 3.0.6-1.el5.centos updates firefox.i386 3.0.7-1.el5.centos updates
While Firefox 3.0.8 was released on 27th March, the upstream provider didn't include it in it's updated firefox package when it was released on 28th March, however, the two security issues that were the reason for the release of Firefox 3.0.8 were patched in the version of 3.0.7 shipped making it effectively the same as the Mozilla Firefox 3.0.8 release...