On 12/18/2013, 04:00 , lists@benjamindsmith.com wrote:
I may be being presumptuous, and if so, I apologize in advance...
It sounds to me like you might consider a disk-to-disk backup solution. I could suggest dirvish, BackupPC, or our own home-rolled rsync-based solution that works rather well:http://www.effortlessis.com/backupbuddy/
Note that with these solutions you get multiple save points that are deduplicated with hardlinks so you can (usually) keep dozens of save points in perhaps 2x the disk space of a single copy. Also, because of this, you can go back a few days / weeks / whatever when somebody deletes a file. In our case, we make the backed up directories available via read-only ftp so that end users can recover their files.
I don't know if dirvish offers this, but backupbuddy also allows you to run pre and post backup shell scripts, which we use (for example) for off-site archiving to permanent storage since backup save points expire.
Not presumptuous at all! I have not heard of backupbuddy (or dirvish), so I should investigate. Your description makes it sound somewhat like OS-X Time Machine, which I like a lot. I did try backuppc but it got a bit complex to manage IMHO.
Thanks for the tip!