You should upgrade to a newer kernel - there are lots of improvements to ext4 since the rhel5 kernel...
rhel/centos 6 is a start but if you don't need rhel/centos you could try Ubuntu 12.04 to see how the 3.2.x kernel handles it. cheers
On 27 September 2012 10:47, joel billy wrote:
On 9/27/12, Fernando Cassia wrote:
So, again, what´dya mean by "less supported"?. It´s in the mainline kernel since February so with the adoption by RHEL 7, it´ll become mainstream sooner rather than later...
Just my $0.02...
Thats the whole point isn't it. Until RHEL includes its (rather than as a technology preview), you probably shouldn't use it as a production file system and definitely not with the 5.x CentOS the OP is using
- jb
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