Manish Kathuria wrote:
Are the RPMs for the latest GFS kernel module GFS-kernel-2.6.9- to be used with the version 2.6.9-55.0.9.EL available ? I tried to compile the Source RPMs available from the Red Hat site but the modules can't be loaded because of invalid module format arising from version magic issues. The syslog shows:
node0 kernel: gfs: version magic '2.6.9-55.0.9.ELsmp SMP 686 REGPARM 4KSTACKS gcc-3.2' should be '2.6.9-55.0.9.ELsmp SMP 686 REGPARM 4KSTACKS gcc-3.4'
node0 modprobe: FATAL: Error inserting gfs (/lib/modules/2.6.9-55.0.9.ELsmp/kernel/fs/gfs/gfs.ko): Invalid module format
The error message is actually surprising since the Source RPM has been compiled on a system having gcc-3.4. To complicate matters the modinfo indicates
vermagic: 2.6.9-55.0.9.ELsmp SMP 686 REGPARM 4KSTACKS gcc-3.2
When are the CentOS builds expected for this module ?
OK ... these are now pushed to the mirrors.
Thanks, Johnny Hughes