On Wed, 2005-11-09 at 13:45, Matt Hyclak wrote:
Due to licensing issues, we can not distribute JRE rpms.
Could you include the yum or up2date config already set up go getting them via jpackage would "just work" with something like: yum install jre j2re-plugin
Ther are currently no third party yum/up2date configs distributed with CentOS. That aside, even if you did do so it wouldn't do any good. There are some free (as in speech) packages on jpackage.org, but the jre stuff is not so it must be rebuilt. See http://www.jpackage.org/rebuilding.php for how/why.
OK, so you need a .spec file and a couple of lines of script. The point is that the hard and unnecessary part is finding all the stuff yourself in the first place. Instead of directions that point to distribution agnostic and vague directions, why can't we have something that just installs it for us?