<rant> So, we've got a couple of WinDoze servers, and we getting logs from them. Except the logs seem to stop on occasion. My manager set me onto this (I *loathe* WinDoze, but someone's gotta do it), and I finally found out that a previous co-worker installed eventlog-to-syslog, which seems to be hosted in google code. And it *seems* to have come from Purdue Univ.
So < found the readme, and wanted to cut down the verbosity. There's a startup flag for this. The log levels are: 1: critical 2: error 3: warning 4: info 0: everything/verbosity
The start flag that you can give it is the "minimum" log level. And no, I did *not* write those levels out of order. Can *anyone* explain to me in what number system 0 is *not* less than 3?.... </rant>