Jay Lee wrote: [snip]
Or better yet, grab the FC6 SRPM and recompile it on your RHEL5/FC6 to be sure all your shared libraries, etc match. Very simple to setup and perform as a non-root user:
#configure your non-root user's rpm build environment
mkdir $HOME/rpm mkdir $HOME/rpm/SOURCES mkdir $HOME/rpm/SPECS mkdir $HOME/rpm/BUILD mkdir $HOME/rpm/SRPMS mkdir $HOME/rpm/RPMS mkdir $HOME/rpm/RPMS/i386 echo "%_topdir $HOME/rpm" >> $HOME/.rpmmacros
#build the rpm against your installed platform
rpmbuild --rebuild your-fc6.src.rpm
Then once the rpm has been built, cd to $HOME/rpm/RPMS/i386 [or $HOME/rpm/x86_64 as the case may be], and do (as root):
# yum localinstall $HOME/rpm/i386/your_just_built_package.rpm [or x86_64 as appropriate to your environment]