On 4/23/06, Dag Wieers dag@wieers.com wrote:
On Fri, 21 Apr 2006, Leonard Isham wrote:
On 4/20/06, sophana sophana@zizi.ath.cx wrote:
I'm trying to install amavisd-new from dag repo on centos3. In the spec file perl dependencies use parenthesis: perl(Digest::MD5) it also uses '-': perl-MailTools
The problem is that only the second notation is available: perl-MD5
I know this is an old problem. Is this only centos related? Is there a workaround?
Do I have to modify the spec file? I'd like to use yum...
I use amavisd-new as well.
I ran into some Per modules missing when using Dag. I switched to using RPMForge, which is a merger of Dag, Dries, and maybe one or two more. Since then I have not had the problem.
Next time, do us all a favor and report if something is not working.
Kind regards, -- dag wieers, dag@wieers.com, http://dag.wieers.com/ -- [all I want is a warm bed and a kind word and unlimited power]
An apology to Dag. I assumed that the goal was to move everyone to RPMForge, and I was late in making the trasition.
-- Leonard Isham, CISSP Ostendo non ostento.