On Friday 24 June 2005 03:24, Feizhou wrote:
Do you have any information on PCIe storage controllers?
Fibre Emulex: http://www.emulex.com/products/fc/index.html QLogic: http://www.qlogic.com/products/fc_san_hostadapers.asp
Scsi Intel: http://www.intel.com/design/servers/RAID/srcu42e/ LSI: http://www.lsilogic.com/products/megaraid/megaraid_320_2e.html
SATA Tekram/Areca: http://www.tekram.com/raidcrd.asp
In all - not really worth it right now in my opinion... might be faster than PCI-X but all the options above are fairly new - therefore untested and probably more difficult to set up than you'd expect.
I have googled and gone here and there but not found anything.
Do you know of any card that supports more than 4 SATA ports without a dumb fakeraid tacked on? Just a pure SATA card with more than 4 ports.
Unfortunately that will be virtually impossible to find... If you want more than 4 ports, a real raid card will probably be your only option. Some fakeraid controllers allow you to completely disable the firmware though - I'm sure you've read through it - but just in case you didn't... http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Hardware/sata.html