On 09/25/2014 04:38 PM, Valeri Galtsev wrote:
Yes, I still didn't find replacement for firefox... so, anyone who has a any suggestions of decent open source browser, please, let me know.
maybe try seamonkey, I've been using it for ages (basically since firefox split from mozilla suite ;-) ) and I'm satisfied. It uses the same base code as firefox & thunderbird but it doesn't seem to change cosmetic things around all the time.
No packages for EL6 AFAIK, for a long time I built my own but now I just grab the Linux/x86_64 build from their download page, tar xfvj, rename the subdir to have the date there, make my seamonkey-latest symlink point to that dir, make a symlink in that dir pointing to /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins/ , and voila.