Date: Monday, October 19, 2015 15:52:03 -0400 From: Tim Evans
I've installed Google Chrome using the Richard Lloyd '' script (, and am finding a couple of nagging issues.
(Current install is google-chrome-stable-46.0.2490.71-1.x86_64).
First, every time I shut down Chrome and start it back up, it whines about not having been shut down "properly."
Second, and worse, at start up, it complains about not finding my profile, then doesn't remember any logins/passwords. Even after re-entering such for several sites, the above repeats next time Chrome starts.
Anyone seen/solved this?
I was seeing issues like that on centos-7 with a couple of the recent releases of chrome. What I found was that chrome didn't seem to be shutting down fully -- leaving a process and the "" lock file in /tmp. After cleaning those up chrome would restart without issue. The release that you're running, which came out a few days ago, seems to have cleared things up for me.