you're right. I forgot to remove atrpms test. Note that I never do a general yum update. So my system should not be totally wrecked.
Except that it only takes one 'yum install' from ATrpms to replace a couple of important core packages or install one thats incompatible with upstream, thus causing your dilemma. Also note that if you never do a yum update, then you're missing several important updates. If you are indeed on 3.3 like you said earlier, then you're a little over a year out of date. There have been several important bugs fixed, and a couple critical ones which could potentially leave your system open to intruders. It may not be wrecked from installed packages, but negligence instead. Is there a reason to not perform basic upgrade tasks like 'yum update' (aside from the obvious now where it won't work)?
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